MEMBER #7906

Reiki Energy and the Human Body

How is it possible that applying the hand leads to healing processes? Many scientists have asked themselves this question. Some of them were Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. John Zimmeman, who have studied the effects of Reiki energy to the human body since 1980. As first they confirmed that electromagnetic activity of the brain of the person in a moment of Reiki treatment, synchronized at 7 - 8 Hz, which is known as the Alpha state.
This state is typical for REM sleep, when the nervous system, heart, endocrine system, muscular system are in the process of regeneration. What is more surprising, Zimmerman observed the phenomenon, when it turned out that some bodily functions of Reiki practitioners, while using of Reiki energy synchronized exactly with so-called Schumann Resonance, that is natural terrestrial spectrum of electromagnetic waves, known as so-called ELF (extremely low frequency). In a nutshell this could mean that conscious channeling of the flow of Reiki energy and similar natural vibration adjusts a man to a deep, almost instinctive, harmonious contact with entire environment, the environment in which he lives and operates.
How can it be useful?

Imagine that you’re lead by a inner voice that tells you when the best time is to make an important decision: to start a business, to withdraw from disadvantage without loss, to make the acquaintance of somebody. This voice is your intuition. The stronger your internal alignment is, known as vibration level, the closer your choices and therefore your entire live are to real wishes and values. In your life appears a coherence, and coherence arises more frequent sense of happiness and fulfillment.

In addition, in a moment of REIKI transfer, the biomagnetic field in the hands of the REIKI transferrer is at least 1000 times higher than normally.

Zimmerman (1990)

Zimmerman (1990) in the USA and in Seto (1992) in Japan continued to examine the biomagnetic field that emanates from hands of the REIKI practitioner, during REIKI treatment. He found out that the impulses of the hands are of the same frequencies as brain waves from 0.3 - 30 Hz, focusing mainly on 7 - 8 Hz, the alpha state. Independent medical research has shown that this frequency range stimulates the healing of all wounds in the body. Each frequency is appropriate for different tissues. For example, 2 Hz stimulates nerves regeneration, 7Hz the bones growth, 10Hz the ligament. Currently in the field of physiotherapy this rule is applied, and ultrasound technology is widespread in the fight against such diseases as coronary, to clear clogged arteries and other therapies such as the disintegration of nephroliths. Also, it is known to the science for many years that placing the electrical coil around a fracture difficult to heal, stimulates bone growth and tissue regeneration.

Another factor

Another factor contributing to the therapeutic effectiveness of REIKI is compassion and the loving intention transmitted by the practitioner of Reiki together with energy. It reinforces the healing of magnetic field. Because the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in our body, some 100 times stronger than the brain. Rollin McCraty, research director at the Institute of HeartMath, pointed out the correlation between human emotional state and a spectrum of electrical signals in the heart.


According to McCraty

According to McCraty, the director of emotion research at the Institute of HeartMath, intentional feelings of compassion, love and respect produce certain frequency spectrum of the electrocardiogram, which is part of the biomagnetic tissues field and affects the cells of the body in a positive way. If this is repeated successively such frequency is sufficiently strong to cause changes in the structure of water and DNA. Therefore McCraty concluded: the more the healer will be focused on the state of sincere love, compassion and solicitude, the greater effect on tissue repair will he receive.