MEMBER #7906

Crystal Healing

One of the simplest ways to help balance the whole chakra system is to place a stone of the appropriate color on each area. This will give each chakra a boost of its own vibration without altering its energies or the overall harmony of the system. It is believed that the interaction between the crystals and chakras will return the chakra into healthy vibration, therefore healing the part of the body affected.

I choose crystals carefully for each individual patient as each one is believed to have a unique healing power. Then place the chosen crystal on different areas of the body in a grid-like fashion designed to stimulate energy. Sometimes the color of the crystal will be chosen to correspond with the supposed color of each energy point on the body. From the tip of the tailbone to the top of the head the colors are as follows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

During the session you may experience some slight tingling and it had also been reported that existing issues may slightly intensify before being released. This is thought to be caused by the shifting energies within the body.

Chakra Balancing

The word "chakra" is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex ,and it refers to each of the seven energy centres of witch our consciousness,our energy system is composed.

The body's seven main Chakras: Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base.

Chakras are openings into energy points within the physical body. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency, and transmits energy when opened and balanced. When any of the chakras are closed or blocked,disease can occur as the energy witch is needed to sustain the physical body's well being is restricted. In order to correct this problem, the seven chakras must be opened and re-balanced.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a technique to clear patterns that are physical,mental or spiritual pain.Sometimes blocks you something or you feel unhappy and you dont understand why. You feel like ,your life is blocked.
Your relantionship are falling apart. You need to heal something from your past.

Past life regression can be used as part of a normal Reiki session or as a separate treatment.
I always check with you before I start as to whether your wish to be told the details of what I see,feel or intuit durning the session.