MEMBER #7906

About Reiki

Reiki Healing 1 1/2 Hours (First visit with consultation)

£95.00Add to basket

Reiki Healing 1 Hours 

£80.00Add to basket

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.Since originating in Japan, Reiki has been adapted into varying cultural traditions across the world. Reiki practitioners use "universal energy" is allegedly transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Reiki is based on qi ("chi"), which practitioners say is a universal life force energy.

Reiki is a simple,natural and safe method of spiritual healing.As the practitioner channels Reiki,the energy directs itself to where healing is most needed.Working with the various bodies,Reiki can heal physical symptoms,emotional symptoms,mental symptoms and of course spiritual symptoms underlying all things.

What does a Reiki session look like

You lie down on a massage table fully clothed. You are only asked to remove shoes or big jewelries. A soft, relaxing music is playing in the background. I will gently rest my hands upon you, non-intrusively, in a series of positions corresponding to the body main energy centers called Chakras. Each hand position is held for a few minutes, sometimes longer, and during this time energy will flow into you, drawn according to your needs, helping to balance your energy system.You may feel heat,warmth,cold,subtleness,steadfastnessor forcefulness.

What Are Some of the Conditions Reiki Can Assist in Relieving?

Stress / anxiety
Lack of confidence
Childhood trauma
Life traumas (job loss, bullying, abuse, break-ups, abortion, miscarriage, etc.)
Relationship problems
Addiction (substance, food, sex, shopping, internet, etc)
Self-harming behaviour
Creative blocks, such as writers' block
Examination nerves
Performance issues (professional, sports, etc)
Manifesting abundance

Chronic fatigue/ME
Female conditions (fertility problems, menopause, etc.)
Migraine /headaches
Immune system disorders
Back problems
Digestive disorders
Heart conditions
Support with chronic illness
Support with terminal illness
Personal transitions
Finding your life purpose
Spiritual emergence / emergency
Spiritual re-connection