MEMBER #7906

Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi Ear Candling

Ear candles have been used by many cultures as a natural therapy for ear problems since ancient times. Ear candling works on all levels, physical, emotional and subtle. Benefits can include relief from headaches, excessive ear wax, tinnitus, ear aches, sinus problems, hearing problems, catarrh, rhinitis, and pressure regulation. As the ear, nose, sinuses and throat are all interconnected the candles regulate and balance the whole upper respiratory tract. People often describe a soothing, light sensation in the ear and head, gentle sounds and a wonderful feeling of relaxation during a treatment. Fully dressed the client lies down on one side and a candle is lit and put gently in the first ear (this last approximately 10-12 minutes).The second ear is treated in a similar way.

The candles are a hollow tube made out of cotton flax and impregnated with beeswax, honey, sage, St.John's wort, chamomile and beta-carotene. The candle has a chimney effect with a mild suction action when lit. This gently massages the eardrum, regulates pressure within the head and promotes better blood and lymph circulation. Impurities are drawn out and vapours which help calm and soothe the nervous system are inhaled through the nose. The candle usually generates a pleasant crackling sound and a warm, comfortable, relaxing feeling.

The treatment is suitable for all ages. Children can be treated from the age of about 3 depending on their wish to have the treatment, their ability to lie still for the duration of the treatment and their ability to convey to the practitioner/parent how they are feeling before, during and after the treatment. Treatment can be shorter for children. A parent or legal guardian must be present during the treatment for a child under 16.

A treatment usually lasts for about one hour.

Reiki & Hopi Ear Candling 1 Hour

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